Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bending The Sides Part 2 - Day 10

DAY 10 - (HOURS 2.30, TOTAL TIME 26.30HRS)

So with the sides half-bent, or so I thought, I continued up past the waist to the shoulders:

- the bottom half had warped back a bit so I had to start from the base again. Always start from one end, I started in the middle at one stage and sure the all the other curves went out when I did that.

- finally I have the complete side sitting into the mould! Granted it's not really touching the mould all the way around, but it's in.

- I returned to working on the side I started on, I had been neglecting it since it got a 12inch crack down the grain up near the shoulder. I actually took this photo believing it would be a "look-how-far-I-got-before-I-broke-it" photo. Thankfully, this wasn't the case.

- on the last curve, a second crack, across the grain this time, appeared and had me going very gentle for the last curve, which slowed things down.

- and there you have two sides in a mould!

- hehe, not exactly done yet!

- I ran the bridge under the band saw to do a rough cut around the template, and then headed home.

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