- it actually took a few attempts to get this surface straight. I got there in the end!
- I lined everything up to see if it was going to be a good join all around.
- then I clamped again with the glue this time.
At this point I made a brief try at sanding the sides to the thickness required on the belt sander. Twenty minutes of this proved that it was fruitless.
So I moved back to the mould and went about attaching the second template to the top.
Like so:
- I left them clamped for a wee while then took them off covered the top of all the pieces of pine with glue.
- slapped the top on, making sure it was level.
- be careful when you put the weight on the glue, as it will most likely 'float' off to one side. So give one last quick check down in between the weights to make sure it's all lined up correctly with the template glued to the bottom. Then head for a pint, you've deserved it!
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